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Megan Mosley

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Landlord's Addresses (1)
48 Stagecoach Rd
White River Junction, VT 05001
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Landlord's Properties (4)
147 Hanover St
Lebanon, NH 03766
98 Greensboro Rd
Hanover, NH 03755
16 Hemlock Ridge Dr
Hartford, VT 05001
287 Mascoma St
Lebanon, NH 03766
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one-half starOVERALL
zero stars (1)The landlord was easy to work with.
zero stars (1)The landlord was forthcoming and accomodating.
one star (1)The landlord communicated in a timely manner.
zero stars (1)The landlord addressed my concerns.
two stars (1)The landlord's expectations of me were reasonable.
zero stars (1)The landlord conducted a proper move-in inspection.
zero stars (1)The landlord respected my privacy.
one star (1)The landlord promptly completed repairs.
two stars (1)The landlord accurately completed repairs.
one star (1)The landlord conducted a proper move-out inspection.
zero stars (1)The landlord promptly refunded my deposit.
zero stars (1)I would rent from this landlord again.
rate this landlord
[19-Aug-2023] ***NOTE: If you currently live in a unit run by Moseley Associates, I suggest testing your apartment for lead! See details below.***

I would really, strongly caution against ever renting with these folks, especially if you have kids or are disabled, or just don't want to deal with an incredibly stressfully mean landlord. The other reviewers with low stars are totally right about the owner being abrasive and rude—I'm guessing the others with high reviews never had any substantive issues with their apartments that needed fixing, or were personal friends with the owner.

When I first moved into my place, my main concern was noise because loud noise can give me migraines, and I let Megan Moseley know that. She told me that it was super quiet, so it'd be the perfect apartment for me! Nope.... the neighbor loves to regularly chainsaw for hours, sometimes multiple days in a row, and he does it right under my window. I'm p sure she knew this too - it looks like he's done it for years. I can't attach a video but it's /deafening/ everywhere inside my apartment when he does it. He's also a gun nut as far as I can tell, so I was worried about talking to him in person. I asked her some follow up questions on what the boundaries of the land are and if she could maybe talk to him for me as he'd openly shown distaste for me, and in response she just said “He’s on his land, and yes, our land is only a couple of feet from the side of the building.  He can do and say whatever he wants.” and “I just can’t listen to the complaining anymore”. Not exactly the kind of empathy you want from a landlord, and no guilt for blatantly lying about the noisiness.

She also straight up lies and bullies her tenants. For example, once she noticed I had a mini clothes washer, cuz my unit doesn't have any washers / dryers. She told me I had to throw it out, because she wouldn't allow it. This wasn't in the lease, and when I pointed that out, she said it doesn't matter and "legally all I have to do is tell you in writing you can't have it". This is.... not true. Landlords cannot just randomly tell you you aren't allowed to have random items that aren't banned by law or the lease. I've also had another tenant complain to me about her not giving reasonable disability accommodations, but I won't bring up the specifics of his issue as he told me privately. She really thinks she's above the law.

The biggest issue is that she's not up front about lead reporting. I found lead in multiple places in my apartment when testing; it was in paint over the kitchen counters flaking off into them, and so thick in the weirdly tacky kitchen cabinet handles that even wet wipes used on the handles tested pink for lead. I asked her to let the other tenants in the building know about it, because there are laws saying landlords need to share information on lead paint testing; for example, leases have to include "any known information concerning the presence of lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards in the home or /building/", which I think applies, although I'm not a lawyer so I can't be sure. She refused several times, but I kept pressing her because it's so devastating for kids (I'm pretty sure it can permanently stunt their development) and there were kids in some other apartments. It took her like 3 months to agree to tell at least the family with kids downstairs, and apparently she still hasn't informed my other neighbors (one told me she hadn't in July, so almost a whole year since I found lead in Sept).

This is more minor, but since the website specifically asks about repairs / respecting privacy: the place needed lots of repairs when I moved in, and also had some old furniture from the previous tenant just lying around, like a big couch and other large furniture. The shower door was off its hinges, the toilet was constantly running and had trouble flushing, the grating in a window wouldn't close, the sink plunger wouldn't go up & down, a light was out... it was clear she was just rushing people to move in / out without properly inspecting the places. She would constantly send over repairmen without any good notice or specifying exactly when they'd come as well, until I had to ask her very firmly in writing to give 24 hours notice, and she got really mad and snippy about that very basic request on my part. Once I emailed her about an issue, and ten minutes later her repair man was trying to open the door because I guess he was already at a nearby unit or something, and he would have walked in on me in the shower if I didn't notice (luckily I made it to my bathrobe in time to answer the door—but that was still really embarrassing and uncomfortable for me). Yet at the same time, people would come over to do repairs, and multiple times the actual thing I asked to get repaired wouldn't be fixed. All her emails are super short and make it clear she hates dealing with her tenants, and is spending as little of her time as possible actually reading your emails. I'd try to send her super short & to the point emails most of the time (not like this review haha) and she'd still skim them and miss the point sometimes, resulting in things like her sending someone over and them not fixing the actual issue.

Overall she was super tetchy & mean. Moving out was a nightmare; I think her workers damaged a couple of my things but she refused to pay for them, plus she made me hire a professional carpet cleaner and apartment cleaner before moving out, when all it really needed was a good sweeping after the move. THEN she said the pro wasn't good enough, and she took additional cleaning costs from my security deposit before returning the rest. She's the type to try and squeeze you for all you've got; avoid, avoid, avoid.
  • This landlord's information has been viewed 105 times since 05/19/2023.
  • This landlord has been rated by 1 member.
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